I say boutonniere in the title because I made it for my prom date, but this could easily be altered to make a corsage, or just any kind of decorative flower.
Also, I used sheet music (because it matches my dress quite well), but have fun with different colors and mediums =]
To start out, you'll need a bunch of kind of heart shaped pieces of paper. I used about 10.
Note: for the first, innermost petal, skip all the curling around the knitting needle and wrap it directly around the stem.
Curl the tips around a knitting needle
And wrap it lengthwise across the needle to form a valley
Wrap the petal around a floral tape wrapped wire stem, and secure it in place. I'm using duct tape in this photo, but floral tape and hot glue are good options too.
Keep going!
Ta-da! There you have it-- your one of a kind handmade rose =]
Whew! I finally found this on Google. Must have first seen it back in 2010 when it was a new tutorial. Well it took me until now to make it, and it was so easy and came out great! My photo will soon be up at skinflintwithscissors.blogspot.com. Thanks for the tute!